Unfortunately, I stumbled on a site called RAW MAGIC and it had this big ol' article about NOT DRINKING on the raw diet and how damaging it is and how the high you get from NOT putting toxins into your body far outshines the high from alcohol and I was like... shut up. But now I've seen it, I can't UNSEE it. Remember that time a few months back when we did our 12 day raw green smoothie fast? (which was supposed to be our 30 days of raw green smoothies fast but we missed our amigo Senor Vino too much?) Remember how we didn't have wine for those 12 days and by - I don't know, day 5- we were having all these amazing revelations and by like day 10 we were so high that we could almost hear/see God in everyone/everything? REMEMBER? Well, I haven't felt that yet. Maybe raw green smoothies are magic (no maybe- THEY ARE MAGIC) but I'm wondering if perhaps the wine we so love (and yes we've cut back on) could be keeping us from that place of bliss? I mean we ARE on day 10, Jill. And yes I feel so much better and THINK I feel lighter (although I'm no where near White Pants Town) but now I'm wondering how much better would I be feeling if we didn't tipple for a bit? Besides, look at that woman/dude in drag up there?! That's enough to scare anyone straight. (she says as she sips a small lady size glass of wine) Let it be known that I'm not saying we drop it for good (that's just crazy talk) but maybe as an experiment within our experiment? What says you?
(As I sip a nice cold glass of Riesling on a warm night before bed) Try it and let us know how it goes.
ReplyDeleteRelieved to hear......I hate to drink alone......yet I push myself......