Scott Johnson August 24 at 12:12am
I just read over your blog. I get the vegan thing, but not real clear on the raw. Is this an extension of vegan? What is the motivation to go with this sort of diet?
It is great you have a partner for something like this. Your posts have been quite enjoyable to read; especially the part about cuss words.
I am cheering you all on!
Jill Nipper August 24 12:54am
I want to believe that there is this untapped SPIRITUALITY that comes from eating foods in their natural state. Stacy and I both wonder what that feels like! Will we be energized, or depleted? What will our bodies look like, and seriously, how will our hearts feel?
A few years ago I left my house to go jogging, and ended up running for three straight miles... without stopping. I found myself surrounded by open pastures and cornfields. The whole terrain had changed! I was flabbergasted that I had run this far, but the real beauty in that moment was that I knew I could get myself home...and I would do it by running three MORE miles. I began to wonder what else I could do.
I think this experiment in raw is like that run. To have collected enough faith to just throw caution to the wind and promise to endure, no matter what...is exhilarating.
What do you mean about the cussing?
Scott Johnson August 24 at 1:16am
That is quite a challenge. I do know that some things do taste better in their natural state. My grandparents were farmers, and I recall many a summer night sitting in the garden, eating peas directly out of the pod. They had this amazing flavor that gets lost somewhere on the way to the store. Reading your blog stoked those memories, and makes me wish I could have a garden...
The post titled 7/25/2010 was an exchange between you two that involved your wanting ground rules on allowable cuss words. (You are only the second female I have known to admit to using the C-word.)
Jill Nipper August 24 at 10:00am
Stacy and I weren't really friends in college but online we kinda clicked. So we go on this green smoothie fast together and at first it was, “Oh good morning Stacy, how are you feeling today?” But after about three days of ONLY GREEN SMOOTHIES one of us snapped and the F-bombs were officially released from solitary confinement. I don't understand why cussing makes me feel so good. When I send Stacy emails calling her a bitch, why do I laugh so hard? AND WHY DOES SHE?????
I hear what you are saying about those memories of fresh, real food at your grandparents farm, and Scott, you said it so beautifully. The simplicity of it all...that is magic. And I miss that too.
PS As far as admitting to using the C-word....you gotta be known for something.
Frankly one of my favorite things about eating raw is that you begin to feel that zingey feeling like just after you have a great facial....only this time it's on your intestines!