Dear Stacy,
This picture made me think about you cause you are the best, fake, cyber friend that I have EVER had.
So of course last night was only THE best night of my life. I had one mother of a light bulb moment when I realized that I could watch a Rob Pattinson movie on my computer with the screen minimized, and feed my Facebook addiction AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! Sure, I couldn't follow dialog but who cares....I could SEE him. Just felt good knowing he was there.
I made the mushrooms you posted about yesterday...they were really meaty good. I had it with these "mashed potatoes." Really it was just soaked cashews pureed with cauliflower (did I really soak cashews???? Who have I become???). It was the heartiest thing I have had since we started this thing and it felt GOOD. And OK, maybe my taste buds have been high jacked by all sense of reason but they really tasted like potatoes.
Now you have to help me get my blinders back on because I am a little frustrated. While all of my clothes literally are hanging on me, the last couple of days I have not felt very light. Actually my nemesis, THE SCALE, dares to suggest that I have gained a half pound every morning for the past three days. Oh yes he did!! And as a gift for my dad, I am not gonna cuss about it, but you know I wanna. Oh yes I do!!
PS You know Rob is just waiting for my divorce to come through! He TOTALLY knows that I am not some crazy stalker. Totally.
Dear Mrs. Pattinson,
Okay first off, as far as the best fake friend ever- RIGGGGHHHHT?
Weird to think it was only a few months ago that I got an email on FB saying you were interested in raw too and now not a day goes by that we don't pass a gazillion messages back and forth. I'm not sure it's healthy but I will say it has been the missing ingredient in my quest for raw. I now believe having a raw buddy is pretty much the ONLY way to go and I feel mighty lucky.
Secondly, yet again we are so in sync because today I woke up and realized I don't feel as light as I think I should considering it's day 17. My clothes aren't hanging off of me (dammit) and despite the fact that yes, I do seem to be slightly smaller over all - (meaning I don't get overwhelmed with panic when I look in the mirror like I did before we started this) I feel thick inside. Ya know, that first week I literally ate fruit and salad. No nuts. Nothing dehydrated. Some olive oil and vinegar - but that's it. The second week since the infamous KALE CHIP discovery, I've kinda gone dehydrator/nut/avocado/coconut butter happy. I remember reading that it's common for the newly raw to go overboard in that dept. and let's face it - that food is DENSE. Soooo I'm seriously thinking about a couple of days of raw green smoothies. What says you? Or at least cutting back on the heavier raw stuff. AS MUCH AS I WANT TO BELIEVE I can eat whatever I want as long as it's raw, I think a calorie is still a calorie and MAYBE I'm having too much of a good thing.
PS Stuck in the cabin, no wine for days. Secretly cursing my in town friends.
PPS that picture creeps me out a little. I have this weird thing about pics of kids dressed old timey, or ya know babies in flowers, or Hummel/Precious moment statues. But I like the sentiment -
PPPS I just stood in front of the dehydrator and 'tasted' / scarfed my onions which I marinated in the left over mushroom marinade and have been dehydrating for over 10 hours . They're starting to get really crispy and taste JUST LIKE ONION RINGS. Next time I quadruple the batch.
Alright Mrs Picky pants...I LIKE my little picture and think other people (ones who can see beyond their Lord of the Rings fetish) will fall to their knees in the presence of such a great picture finder.
No way Jose on the green smoothie fast!!! I feel so amazed that we have gone 17 days on raw only and feel like a smoothie fast could push me too far. I like succeeding and want to revel for a couple days. But a nut ration??? I like it!
Last thing...you bet your sweet cupcakes that I would bring wine......say the word and I
'll hook you up with Two-buck Chuck!
OK last thing REALLY....good news bad news. My Montel WIlliams blender was DOA this morning. I wonder if you can guess who I got to replace him?
Dear lover of creepy old fashiony kids,
If you say a Vitamix I will pee on myself.
Dear Elfin Girl,
Can you feel the warmth?
You both are not right in the head.....thanks for the laughter.....keep on......