Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 12

Stacy McQueen 07 August at 19:10
okay. I said I would come to you if I was thinking about breaking and yeah well i'm coming to you because i'm feeling the very weakest I've felt since we started. Just got back from the doctor. First time out of the cabin in weeks. I went in expecting them to take the cast off, the stitches out and remove the pin. Instead - I'm told they're leaving it in for another 2 weeks. I just sat there stunned. They redid the cast and although I didn't think it possible, it's even DORKIER than before. I'm kinda devastated. I've been a good sport, haven't made THAT big of a deal about being couch bound and now I'm told that I have to remain here for another few weeks. Graves leaves Monday for four months and I'll be all alone and all I could think about as I wept was I can't even soothe myself with comfort food. I don't want to eat stupid raw. I want pad thai, I want a burrito. Something hot and toasted. It's not fair and I'm feeling really weak and if it weren't for this stupid blog (and you) I think I'd just say F this 90 day experiment and order the pizza I didn't get to have last night. Why is it when I feel really bad/sad/disappointed - the idea of eating of warm deliciousness makes me feel better? I won't do it. I WANT to- but I won't. Sigh. MY QUEENDOM FOR SOME FRIED CHEESE STICKS!

Jill Nipper 07 August at 16:07
I am sooooo sorry!!!!!!!! I am sooooo sorry!!!!!

Stacy McQueen 07 August at 16:16
Please note - DAY 12! The last time we attempted 30 days of raw - we made it to day 12 and then we blew it. If nothing else... i have to stay on to make it to day 13 ....

Jill Nipper 07 August at 16:17
We are breaking through everything that says "No you can't!!!" Because yes we can!!!!!

Stacy McQueen 07 August at 16:34
Ya know in Lord of the Rings there's the scene where they have left the Shire and at one point Sam stops and says "If I take one more step- it will be the farthest away from home I've ever been." I kinda feel that way about day 12. Honestly, I've been so cocky about this experiment up till now - big deal IT'S NOT EVEN HARD... well today it is hard. REALLY hard. I'm surprised how much I crave cooked foods but if can take one more step into day 13 - it will be the a huge victory.

Jill Nipper 07 August at 16:39
You ARE SAM, Stacy! And you will go further away from the Shire than you have ever been and you will support your friend and your friend will support you because neither could've melted that damned ring without the other!!!!!

Stacy McQueen 07 August at 16:43
YOU ARE RIGHT! WE'RE BOTH SAM AND WE'RE BOTH FRODO CARRYING THE RING/COOKED FOODS AROUND OUR NECK. Sigh. If only I had some of that elven bread -I'm sure it's not raw but delicious. You know what's sad? I know what it's called - It's called Lembas, Jill. Its....callled.... Lembas bread.

Jill Nipper 07 August at 16:46
OK so I have no idea what any of that means, but I do know that we are in this together and I have faith in you. And I know that you can hobble over this hurdle because this is your time. This is when you make your destiny come true. How many times does a person get to do that?
Stacy McQueen 07 August at 16:48
YES! We can do anything we set our minds to. Besides if I give in... it would be for what? Thirty lousy minutes of tasty fun and then I'd feel like crap for breaking. Now it's only a few minutes of discomfort... Steve will go get me fancy raw food from CRU. It will be good or it won't.., whatever but at least I'll still be raw and able to hit day 13. Go team.

1 comment:

  1. Through great pain comes great can do it for another day......then I'll make you some French toast.......xom
