Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Sucky Side of Raw

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 2:34pm
I miss chips and salsa and yes I loved the kale chips AT FIRST but then brainiac here thought if a LITTLE of the sour cream and onion goop is good then A LOT IS A LOT BETTER! The chips not only came out thick and bendy but it was too much of a good thing and I made myself sick on them and haven't made them since. Plus they are so fine, they can't hold salsa.

Jill Nipper August 25 at 2:41pm
I'm pissed that I am not a waif yet.

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 3:14pm
Right? What's up with THAT???? I am fatter. And yet I don't hate myself when I look in the mirror.

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 3:24pm
but when I remember that I'm going to be in Hawaii in a mere 3 weeks - I wanna puke.

Jill Nipper August 25 at 4:34pm
OK, what sucks about this? The fact that people think I am a freak, for one, and that sometimes I am embarrassed by this...

And it really bites the big one that it would take me three weeks to explain to someone just how right this really is!

I have always hated being misunderstood.

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 7:13pm
what sucks is going to Whole Foods (like I did JUST NOW) and getting sucker punched by amazing smells and not able to sample ANYTHING. They had chips and salsa laid out Jill, chips and salsa.

What sucks is the anger that wells up inside when I find myself drooling over a roasted beet salad with a tiny bit of goat cheese.

Oh and ya know what else that blows? Paying 9 dollars for some raw cookies.

Jill Nipper August 25 at 7:27pm
Holy mother of God....I paid $8.69 for raw cookies TODAY that I can't believe they are allowed to sell they are so bad.

That really double sucks.

Know what else sucks? All the freakin' prep work involved in making dinner. I mean 36 hours for a taquito???

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 7:30pm
SERIOUSLY! Why do I have to plan today for what I'm going to eat on Saturday????

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 7:30pm
(wait - what kind of cookies did you buy because my f'n rock - not 9 dollars worth but still...)

Jill Nipper August 25 at 7:33pm
The label is ruined from opening them (they are small) but they have almonds, cashews, honey, coconut, and chai essence....essence of ass maybe.

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 7:39pm
Mine are Vanilla-Almond Coconut Macaroons. My eyes rolled back in my head when I ate it and before reaching for a second one I checked out the fat grams for one cookie: 18 grams ????So you know what sucks - even when you find something raw that rocks your world - it's usually uber fattening.

Jill Nipper August 25 at 7:45pm
God, I'd pay $9 for my eyes to roll back in my head. Who am I kidding.... I'd pay THREE TIMES THAT!!!!!

But that fat content. Let's have a moment of silence now for just how wrong that is.

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 7:46pm
this is me being silent.

Jill Nipper August 25 at 7:51pm
Thank you.

The thing that sucks to the highest mountain for me about being raw is wanting to rip my sons eyes out every time he sweetly asks me if I want some of his chips.

Stacy McQueen August 25 at 7:56pm
Wow. That.... just....stinks.

Feel better?

Jill Nipper August 25 at 7:57pm
A little.


Stacy McQueen August 25 at 8:02pm
Not really but hey - if it were easy everyone would be raw and not just us two freaks.


  1. Hang in there girls! I'm watching you do it before I make any attempt - that's how chicken-shit I am, but then, I also don't have my own kitchen anymore ;( and I TRULY envy your perseverance. Stacy's right! If it were easy, everyone would do it.

    I agree, Jill - I HATE being misunderstood, but I usually think those ppl doing the misunderstanding are big-time fraidy cats - you guys know I KNOW this given my own venture.

    you're both doing AWESOME!

  2. I wanted to laugh while reading this,but also feel your pain. Thank you for your reality of RAW. YOU CAN DO IT...HANG IN THERE GIRLS!

  3. Jill, you should just let them misunderstand you. What does it matter if they don't get it? There are a lot of things we don't get that other people do. Not everything will be accepted and understood in life. I think you should accept this and move on.
    When they ask "Why would you want to go eat only raw food?" tell them it's just something you want to try...instead of giving them the whole story about the raw diet.

  4. There is so much I want to share at this point about what doesn't suck about being raw...that I am speechless...go figure...but I so hear you

  5. well, Jill, Stacy...I commend you for being smart enough to do this together...just know we're not laughing AT you, but WITH you...esp. when it sucks. :) Keep up the good work---

  6. I literally laughed out loud while reading this.....I feel for ya gals.....

    Question.....What happens on day 91?.....

  7. Michael,

    We like the idea of verbally letting it hang out once a week...doesn't mean we are miserable, just in need of a little constructive venting. As far as day 91 goes all I can say is one day at a time, baby! One day at a time!!


  8. kinda like watching a good sitcom...only reading instead of watching...Jill, no ripping your son's eyes out, please!

  9. "Essence of Ass"...holy cow, I mean Tofu!! that cracked me up big time.
    50% of my diet is raw, the other is low-carb/vegetarian. I am a pre-diabetic vegetarian and wow does it suck. I miss my rice, potatoes, bread and pasta. I know I can have it in moderation, but that is a word my brain does not understand. So it's cold turkey for me sis.
