How do I feel?
Yeah Stacy, I see you looking at the Wonder Woman picture. Am I really gonna go THERE??? WONDER FREAKIN' WOMAN?
You bet your sweet ass I am.
Now it's possible that my raw diet may not be the only thing fanning my flames. And while I wouldn't recommend divorce to ANYONE the truth is....I am a little excited about...well dare I say boys? NO, I didn't say that. Yes, I did. No, that was someone else. I would never.
And of course I have lost weight, I mean I am eating raw food only!!! But the crazy thing is that I am almost NEVER hungry. When I do sit down to eat I can only eat about a third of what is on my plate, and my energy level is through the roof. Through. The. Roof.
I would think that embarking on what my friends have called a, "spooky, scary, and frightening," dietary bungee jump that I would be struggling to find food that satisfies me.
I'm not.
Does this mean that there might be a life for me that doesn't include late night potato binges? Or the even bigger question: will there be boys? Well, I am not going to get TOO far ahead of myself, but you know what? I am beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe.....there might be.
Way to go Jill.....stay the course....