Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nori Rawk N Roll

Dear Stacy,

OK, so how good do these nori rolls w/spicy red pepper sauce look? I have not made these for two weeks because I was trying to be glamorous by making stuff like crepes with velvety red sauce, and zucchini cannelloni but what a waste of time...these are the best!!!

Dear Sushi Chef,

Why can't you live closer so when you make something like that I can pop in at lunch time? Give me the recipe for that sauce! Give. It. To. Me.

ps Where's the jicama/pine nut sushi rice???

Dear Stacy,

You are always welcome at Casa Nipper for lunch but I wonder if your phobia repertoire extends to airplanes? I found this recipe at The Daily raw Cafe. You will not be disappointed.

The only jicama rice recipe I have tried tasted like butt.

Dear Jillsan,

Ha! Well, my favorite raw sushi rice recipe is from my favorite raw book (so far) RAW FOOD REAL FOOD. I think I actually prefer it to real sushi rice!

6 cups of Jicama (chopped in 1 inch cubes)
1/2 cup of raw pine nuts (I used cashews in a pinch)
1 or 2 tablespoons of sea salt
1/4 cup of brown rice vinegar
3 tablespoons of agave nectar

(or if you are in a hurry and don't mind a little cheating - use the Japanese seasoned vinegar - it won't kill you)

Put the Jicama & pine nuts in the food processor and process until it's rice size. Squeeze out the liquid (use clean kitchen towels) Mix all the ingredients together and then spread on the dehydrator screen. Dehydrate for two hours watching it so it doesn't get brown/crispy around the edges.

Dear Stacy,

You promise it won't taste like butt?

Dear Jill,



  1. I didn't know nori was raw. I was under the impression it underwent some kind of cooking process to make the sheets.

  2. It is generally toasted, but health food stores carry the raw version....chewy!

  3. J, I'm just wondering how you know what butt tastes like ;)

  4. That's a valid question that I decline to answer.
