Recently, I've been hearing this phrase over and over and although it's new to me - every woman I ask - nods her head and says "Yes it's true - you have to make the choice." Have you heard of this? It's like a vanity version of Sophie's choice - the idea is that after 35 you have to choose whether you want to have an attractive, youthful face or an attractive, youthful ass. Sounds like you pick your face - you must keep at least 20 extra lbs on you and if you pick your ass - you lose the 20lbs but you end up looking wrinkly & drawn.
I think back on the time in my twenties when I reached my lowest weight ever: 117. I was going to TWO high impact arobics classes A DAY, plus walking and I took these 'herbal' pills which turned out were chok full of MA HUANG. I was never hungry - I could eat a tiny bit and be satisfied and I felt in control for the first time in my young life. I honestly thought I had found the answer. Did I feel I was thin enough? Absolutely not. I still had a few pounds to go. Come on - I was living in a world of size 0 actresses (COMPLETELY WACKADO RIGHT?) Anyway, I went home to my 10 year high school reunion and here are the comments I got:
"Wow. You're too skinny."
"Are you on drugs - like cocaine?"
"You look old."
"You look like you have aids"
"Your face looks all caved in."
I have never forgotten that and somewhere in the back of my head is this real fear - that I'm going to finally get this eating/exercise thing down, finally drop this extra 30lbs and I'm going to look like the crypt keeper.
With that said
I've come to realize that raw food has given me hope of being able to have both. I have this belief that by cutting out all the crap - that my best true authentic face & body will appear - and my confidence will soar. (and as we both know NOTHING is more attractive than a confident woman - no matter WHAT her age or her weight).
Who knows... maybe it's not about choosing your ass or your face.... but choosing to embrace yourself right where you are - right now. Uh oh. Did I just say that?
good luck . My 11 year old is already concerned that she should wear a padded bra because it would make her belly look smaller. Women in America are prisoners of their bodies. It keeps us stupid. If we stopped worrying about our weight our great power would be unleashed.
ReplyDeleteChoose health, no matter what it looks like.