At first I hated the idea of us having a different record for our 90 days of raw experiment, but maybe we have different finish lines to cross. For two people with so very much in common, these past two months have brought to light our many differences! For one thing we don't make our green smoothies the same way. You use parsley, watermelon, coconut oil, banana, dates, lemon and salt..I can't believe you drag out all of that stuff for a smoothie!!! Man, I could never go to the trouble. Give me my butter lettuce and frozen peaches. That's it. No more. No less.
Another difference is that, with the exception of the first two weeks, this has been really easy for me. I credit being held accountable by this blog for adding a good dose of pressure, but once I figured out how to "cook" something on the fly, I just went on auto-pilot. I am a serious creature of habit and am happy having just a few favorites to choose from. Especially if they are easy to make, like nori rolls stuffed with veggies.
But I have to be honest Stacy, and you're gonna be glad that we don't have this in common, there is a real deficiency in the way I have approached eating raw. I don't get nearly the variety of foods that I should, and as much as I hate to admit this, I have quite a few more bruises than your average person. I'm not gonna go into too much detail but lets just say that that pole I ran into at Starbucks couldn't possible have done all this. No, the only logical explanation for all of these bruises is that I am not getting what I need out of my diet.
So, I ran crying to the health food store where they loaded me up on all kinds of funky stuff to keep me healthy. I've got powdered "super foods", B-12, Super Silica and something called "Vanilla Spice." Even with my glasses on I can't read the vanilla spice bottle so I really don't know what it is although I can make out the words, "hormones, fertility, energy and strength," on the label. The directions are my favorite part! They instruct me to feel free to "add any amount," to a smoothie. Any amount? With all of the mystery, and at $33.25 a bottle, I am pretty sure it will save me. I guess being raw means I don't do Centrum, but Okay! I am here to experience this lifestyle so I am gonna go with it.