Sunday, July 25, 2010



You mind blowing control freak. I am just gonna post whenever I want, wherever I want until you realize that we need to discuss these things. ON. THE. PHONE.

Who know the havoc I could wreak? Actually, I have a lot of computer experience and most of it is not so hot. Potential abounds...

And this is how I am going to talk to you in our blog. None of this helpful and entertaining shit because I don't care about anyone else. I am in this for this here ca-honey and this one alone (well I hope you do well too :))

And I need my list of allowable cuss words, not ones to avoid because no doubt I will pull one out you didn't think of.


Dear Jill (wackadoo) Nipper,

Control freak? I find it hilarious that YOU are calling me that. Ya know what it's like? It's like asking for a ride to the store because you can't drive and then calling the person driving you a control freak because they insist on driving. Yeah. It's like that. Then you ask me what cuss words can you use???? OH THE IRONY! Shit, I don't f'n know!!! You say you know a lot about computers? Well prove it and fix the REAL US page. (for the record that space thing appeared at the exact same time you got on Blogger, I'M JUST SAYING) For the record, here's what I want it to be:
  • A completely honest back and forth exchange between two women (who barely know each other) who are struggling/succeeding/failing to be raw for 90 consecutive days.
  • Documentation of what I hope to be our complete and utter transformation. I'm counting on raw giving us the bodies/life/spiritual connection of our dreams. I love the idea that we could have the most amazing before and after photos ever.
  • Funny/Entertaining/Irreverent. I have no interest in just having another earnest/fruity/sanctimonious blog.
  • A great source of raw information. Book/blog/product reviews.
  • Somewhat professional. Meaning we put some effort into it. Yeah it doesn't have to be PERFECT but that doesn't mean we make people wade through lots of boring/not entertaining self indulgent slop just because we don't want to take the time to edit.
I do think that we should have honest exchanges on here. And I wait anxiously for your reply.

Stacy the control freak phoneaphobe

Dear Stacy,

If you did more than just skim my posts you would see that while I did say I had a lot of experience with computers, I also made it clear that that experience was "not so hot."

Furthermore, I asked you about what cuss words I could use because you have more experience here in the cyber world. You should know from exchanging 3 miles worth of e-mails with me that I have a tendency to use the that ok?

I just went and looked at The Real Us page and it is looking so much better. I know you called me a sucky photographer but I like my picture. It captures exactly what I feel: blurry and filled with self loathing for letting myself get in such sad shape..

I thought we were't gonna be long-winded...

Dear Jill,

For the sake of comedy I wanted to just write "F.U." But we are sensitive little corn flowers right now (I am for sure) and so instead I will say that I'm really happy that we're doing this - well happy is not the word really - terrified. Yeah, that's how I feel. TERRIFIED.

Love, your raw partner, stacy (i can feel my back fat) mcqueen

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