Holy crap Jill - are we really doing this???? I can't believe we agreed to go 90 days of raw all nonchalantly - like it wasn't the biggest challenge either of us has taken on (food wise that is) and wait, it STARTS TOMORROW???!!!! WTF? I-I-I don't feel prepared. Shouldn't my house be cleaner? Some kind of ceremony where I burn my cook books and give away my pots and pans? At least the fridge and cabinets should be purged of the offending non raw foods right? Instead I'm lying on the couch in the same moo moo dress I've worn pretty much since I came home from the hospital with my stupid foot in this stupid cast. I haven't bathed in days, my hair looks like something you'd find vermin in and I'm pretty sure the Vicadin they prescribed is making me suicidal. I'm sad, constipated and at my absolute fattest - but you know what? I'm glad. Yeah I said it, I'm glad to be starting this at my physical/mental/spiritual bottom because I can only go up, right? RIGHT??? Wait DID WE REALLY AGREE TO 90 DAYS????
- Stacy
PS We haven't talked about wine which is raw but we both love it too much. No wine right?
Dear Stacy,
This could be THE most overused phrase in the English language but... I know, right??? I feel exactly the same way about needing a ceremony, or at least some balloons, to mark the start of these next 90 days. My house is a wreck and I feel so scattered mentally. NOT feelin' the way I imagine a glamorous raw foodie wanna be should feel. My basement flooded two days ago and do you think the wet towels I used to clean the mess are still down there? You betcha...molding as we speak. But seriously, if ONLY that was the grossest thing around here! So to answer you question: YES! Holy crap we ARE doing this and I figure that the peaceful,clean existence we visualize for ourselves will start to unfold over the next several weeks.
PS I just counted 52 wine corks in my kitchen utensil drawer. So, no wine (ask again in a day.)
PSS I wish I had a moo moo.
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