Okay, so here it is DAY ONE and I've already f'd up. I got up (after a fitful tossy turny night) - hobbled over to couch and was half-way through my cup of coffee before it hit me COFFEE ISN'T RAW! We didn't discuss morning beverages! Give up all cooked foods for 90 days - sure but GIVE UP MY COFFEE???? It's the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning! I look forward to it. Yeah sure I have an eye twitch and yes I've been told my boobs are fibrous because of the caffeine but... WHAT DOES ONE DO ON A SUNDAY MORNING WITHOUT COFFEE? HOW DOES ONE WRITE BLOGS WITHOUT THEIR DAILY DOSE OF STIMULANT????? Maybe it will help if I go research what the raw experts say?
Caffeine McQueen
Dearest Caffeine McQueen,
It is interesting because my knee-jerk reaction was, "Oh man, you're right!" If we drink coffee then we won't be living up to that fantasy we have about what a perfect, raw foodie is supposed to be. We might spill coffee on those size 2, crisp white pants, after all. But then it occurs to me that we formed this here blog because those standards have been so impossible for us to reach. Would I like to live a pure clean life without the aid of any rev-me-up stimulants? Well, yeah ding-dong but that doesn't mean that I should do it now!!! I say baby steps for the lowly (that would be you and me) and lets put it on our list of what we hope to conquer during our 90 days of raw...like getting up at 5am to exercise every morning. Besides, my mantra for coffee is, "if lovin' you is wrong, I don't wanna be right!"
Chipper Nipper
Dear Chips ( hmmmm chips) I mean Chipper Nipper,
Well, the first day was great for me. Super easy considering I'm stuck on the couch and my chef/husband is doing all the work. No emotional melt downs or pity parties yet. A piece of watermelon for lunch. A handful of raw almonds w/ that Chili lime salt crap I like so much. A salad for dinner. He was in there chopping for an HOUR but out comes... this salad. And it was just...a...salad. It was good but I missed the croutons we usually make and by croutons I mean garlic toast and gone were the fake bacon bits and the gazillion olives. After a few bites I started to panic - this is it? BORING ASS SALAD FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS? I know I know I need to do what I never do when I usually attempt to go raw - I need to actually crack open some recipe books and get creative. Hey maybe we should have a recipe page? Challenge each other to raw uncook offs? Ask folks to give us their personal favorites? Tomorrow I'll start reading Raw Food Real Food for reals and not just looking at the pictures of that broad eating her food like some porno queen. In truth she's why I'm doing this. I wanna eat my food and look like that.
Signed - Miss Salad if your nasty
OK....officially the first freak to follow this little journey. Congratulations and good luck girls.....love and light....