Dear Stacy,
Any day that starts with a green smoothie served with a side of Edward is indeed a good day, even if it did start at 3am. Oh the incessant tossing and turning!! I just had so many things going through my mind about this whole adventure, one being why does this feel like such a huge undertaking in the first place? In the wee hours of this morning it dawned on me that I had more faith in myself to be strong and persevere when my marriage fell apart and my dog died of a heart attack. While it is true that this past year has been, well not my best, I have looked for the positive and made what I can of it all. But keeping all of this going with out these crutches? Scary. The bizarre thing is I really did believe I was dealing with stuff head on but you know what? It's a lie. I haven't dealt with shit. I just go through my day and yes, I feel like I am moving forward, but at night? Well that's when my friends Mr Potato and Mr Cabernet come to play.I can sit down and relax knowing that while my head starts to buzz I am only minutes away from consuming more potato than a family of four would eat in a month. I don't have to think and I don't have to feel. Today, I don't care one bit how I got here and you will never hear me say "why did this happen to me!" I am sure of one thing: we made it through day one and I'll be damned if we won't make it through day two. This is it Stacy...
No more sips for Nips
Dear Nipper the non Sipper,
Man - it's funny you mentioned 'crutches' because I was just thinking how much I hate using these actual crutches of mine. They hurt my armpits and I feel like a dork but ya know they help me to get around. When I don't use them and just try to hobble on the back of my heel - I can feel that ginormous 7 inch pin in there - not good. It's hard for me to accept this immobility. And the only thing that has gotten me through it up yesterday was comfort food & vino. The first days were deliriously glorious - I happily feasted on burritos, popcorn and wine wine wine! I watched 10 episodes of Night Gallery back to back and relished not being able to go anywhere or do anything but 'recover'/veg. But after 10 days of living like that (and the evil side effects of Vicadin) I find myself depressed and wondering why is it that when life gets hard or scary or when I need comfort - my automatic GO TO is crap food & wine? One of the reasons I signed on for this here 90 days is because I am and have always been so dang curious to who will I be without those crutches? Is that ideal self REALLY attainable or are we just Coo Coo for Raw Cacao Cacao Puffs? No matter what, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to finally FINALLY FIND OUT. So yeah, I'm with you sister, I'm doing this NO MATTER WHAT! And while I don't get the whole Edward love - (they lost me with his sparkly skin) he was quite delicious as Cedric in Harry Potter and is one of the only H.P. cast mates I might peek at if he were naked. Wait, he's over 21 right? I don't want to be say that if he's not. I might THINK it but I wouldn't say it.) I do like the idea of making our green smoothies FUN. I'm off to Ebay in search of the perfect glass! Great idea.
Signed, Crutch Hater McQueen
Dear McWizard,
It's only day two and already your Harry Potter fetish is beginning to show. I thought it would take at least a week so now I owe Robert $10. Thanks!
PS Word to the wise: when embarking on a raw diet one should fish out their dehydrator and get some flax crackers going because carrots get old!
Dear Pot,
You should have known better.
Love, Kettle
p.s. Wait, you... you aren't saying we're giving up wine for 90 days are you? ARE YOU?