And then I stumbled (and by stumbled I mean I was sadly perusing my old profile photos on FB because the above photo I was using made me sick) I stumbled on some photos of me FROM A MERE TWO MONTHS AGO taken during the raw experiment - and I just couldn't believe the difference:

(okay yeah i have make up on and there's a funky filter (ps there's the same funky filter on the other photo) even so all the photos taken that day I was happy with -more than anything this picture represents how I FELT on raw)
This picture reminded me that just a couple of months ago - that I was on a beach in Hawaii feeling at one with my body for the first time in my life. F.Y.I. I have NEVER worn a bathing suit in public - not without some kind of sarong or giant men's Tshirt - despite my absolute LOVE for water - I've convinced myself I do not enjoy beaches or pools when really it's a shame thing. So yeah, it was a BIG DEAL for me to just sit on the beach with Silverman and Jim and just ENJOY THE BEACH - to happily walk to the water - to swim for hours and just enjoy it and my friends without the burden of self loathing. I felt so f'n FREE!

I didn't feel perfect - but I felt like me and felt fiercely proud and protective of myself. And I KNEW that I was on my way to my authentic physical self. More importantly I felt I had crossed over to a place of KNOWING that the raw lifestyle was my ticket to Love Myselfville. I remember telling someone that even if I wanted to - I could never go back to my old cooked ways - they were behind me forever.
I fell back into my old ways easily - effortlessly - without thought of the consequences. And only now do I see what the consequences of cooked are.
I miss raw. I miss my dehydrator. I miss raw green smoothies. I miss Jill and I miss this blog...
but most of all - I miss the me I was while raw.
Okay so now what? Sure I'd LIKE to take up raw like RIGHT NOW but - the holidays are here - it's like trying to quit drinking on New Years Eve - IMPOSSIBLE! (don't read anything into that statement please) No, instead it's Thanksgiving and I'm on my way out to get all the ingredients to make a completely cooked feast. I enable myself by saying "If it were just me - if I didn't have Steve and guests coming over"- "if it wasn't cold" - "if cornbread stuffing didn't taste so freaking awesome" (seriously it's not Thanksgiving without dressing right?) "if cooked foods didn't say HAPPY HOLIDAYS to me" ... but the bottom line is - I'm just not over my cooked addictions yet.
And that's okay. I'm not going to beat myself up. I'm going to enjoy the holidays - and daydream of next year when I am easily and effortlessly 80 percent raw and able to make a mostly raw meal for Thanksgiving that will rock the socks off of everyone involved.
Next year I'll be making this: